Monday, November 5, 2007

Auditions Lesson - learn to txt!

Events around 02 Aug (writeup catch-up). "Askar" is our 106 minute script for an ambitious fantasy epic movie. We are moving on developing it by test-filming about 5 mins of it. I have just read "Five Things I Hate About Microbudget Movies"by "Film Flap":
and Thing Three is:
"Terrible Acting .. You'd be surprised how many talented actors are out there hungry for work. They will do anything (including work for free) to pad their resume, so use them ...Hold auditions and good people will show up."
This inspires me to step outside my usual network and advertise auditions, bracing myself to cope with the flood of hungry actors. Notices on the walls at a drama school and on the internet discussion boards of the local indie scene and the LARPers. Well, Mr Film Flap, only about 4 responses and zero end result from that! Our cast and crew all came via our own network eg our email newsletter and work colleagues getting the word out to their students and rellies. But a lesson here! I am guessing that as a crusty old last-century-indie-relic, I made a mistake in not understanding how important cellphone "txt-ing" is for communicating with the New Generation. I left lots of voice messages then someone explained to me that they don't get picked up because many people can't afford the cellphone call charge to listen to them and you need to use txt to get people together. I'll try that next time and see if that makes a difference. And Mr Film Flap, if you can read this, do tell what strange and wonderful place you live in with all these surplus talented actors floating around - methinks I should go there to make a movie!
In the meantime I am getting into txt with my cast and crew.

1 comment: said...

Wellington, New Zealand. :)

Of course, it's not really a rule. It doesn't apply every time or place. But it can work, and is usually worth the effort/time/money. But, if you already have actors, needn't worry about it then.